Legislative Nominating Caucus Rooms

Legislative Nominating Caucus Rooms

On Tuesday, August 13, nominations for International President and International Secretary-Treasurer will be called for during the Convention. Upon recess, delegates will go to the room assigned to their legislative district to caucus and nominate candidates for IVP. In cases in which there are more nominees than offices to be filled, elections will be held, with the names of nominees posted in the main hall.
306: Michigan
308: Mid-Western
309: New York State
402: Southern New England
403A; New York City
403B: CSEA
404: Southeastern
405: OAPSE
406: UDW
408A: North-Central
408B: PA
409: Ohio 
410: Puerto Rico
411: Northwestern
502A: Eastern
502B: Southwestern
503: OCSEA
510: South Central
511: Northern New England
512: Hawaii
515A: Illinois
515B: Capitol District 
518: California

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