AFSCME’s 46th International Convention: It’s a family affair!

Photo credit: Javeon Butler
By AFSCME Staff ,

If you were a betting person, you’d probably get pretty good odds if you wagered that Sara and George Cleveland will be the only mother-son pair attending AFSCME’s 46th International Convention in Los Angeles. You’d get even better odds if you bet that they’re the only mother-son pair of retirees at the convention. 

The Clevelands both belong to AFSCME Retiree Chapter 57, having held leadership roles when they were working members of Local 2019, which represents employees of the East Bay Municipal Utility District, in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Both boast impressive tenures and union credentials: Sara, 83, worked in the business office of “East Bay MUD,” as it’s called, for 19 years, serving as a union leader for 17 of those years. Meanwhile, George, 58, just retired last October, after having worked for 28 years in customer service. He served his union in various roles for 26 years.

George credits Sara for literally dragging him by the wrist to one of his early union meetings, prior to a contract negotiation in which, according to George, “management was playing hardball.”

“That’s how I got involved first,” said George. “Shortly after, I became a shop steward.”

While this is the first time the Clevelands will both be attending as retirees, they have attended past AFSCME conventions.

They’re looking forward to engaging in topics that arise during floor discussion, seeing old union friends and making new ones, trading pins, enjoying the delegates’ reception, buying union merchandise and enjoying Los Angeles’ dining options.

George also has a special role during conventions.

“I’m the restaurant manager. When sessions are out, you want to explore. So, that was my thing. That’s my skill,” he said.

Now, he’ll have a partner in his convention role.

With their more than four decades of combined union experience, they have a lot to offer other attendees by way of wisdom.

For Sara, that includes reminding people: “Your union is for you.”

For George, that means: “Get involved in your union.”

Be sure to say “hi” to the Clevelands in Los Angeles!


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