Delegate & Alternate Credential Form Instructions

Enclosed with the Convention Call mailing are credential forms that must be used to report those members elected by an affiliate to serve as a delegate or alternate delegate at the International Convention. Below are instructions for completing these forms and submitting them to the International Secretary-Treasurer.

PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Incomplete credentials may prevent a delegate or alternate from being seated at the Convention.


There are different credential forms for each type of affiliate. The applicable forms for your affiliate are included in the Convention Call mailing.

Local Unions:               
BLUE Delegate Credential – A separate form must be submitted for each local union delegate.
GREEN Alternate Credential – One or two local union alternates may be submitted on a single form.

YELLOW Delegate and Alternate Credential – One Council delegate and one Council alternate may be submitted on a single form.

Retiree Chapters:        
PINK Delegate and Alternate Credential – One Retiree Chapter delegate and one Retiree Chapter alternate may be submitted on a single form.



There are special designations on the Local Union Delegate and Local Union Alternate credential forms that must be made by any local union sending more than one delegate or more than one alternate to the Convention.

The LOCAL UNION DELEGATE CREDENTIAL contains a box in the top left corner of the form in which the local must designate only one of its delegates to serve as the chairperson of the local’s Convention delegation. If a delegate is not selected as the chairperson, the local could lose any votes that cannot be evenly divided among the delegation.

The LOCAL UNION ALTERNATE CREDENTIAL contains a box next to the name of each alternate that must be used to designate the priority in which an alternate is seated at the Convention if a delegate is absent. Most local unions prioritize alternates based on the election results – i.e., the alternate with the highest number of votes is given Priority Number 1, the alternate with the second highest number of votes is given Priority Number 2, etc.

Note: An affiliate may elect one alternate for each elected delegate. If the number of alternate credentials received exceeds the number of delegate credentials, the alternate with the lowest priority designation will not be accepted.



For each delegate and alternate, legibly print in ink or type the following information:

PROXY DELEGATES (Local Unions Only)

A local union may send to the Convention an elected delegate from another local union or council within the same jurisdiction (i.e., same council, organizing committee, state, commonwealth or territory) to represent it at the Convention.

The name and number of the local union whose membership voted to send another delegate to represent it at the Convention should be inserted in the “Member is a Delegate representing” box referenced in the Member Information section above.


Delegates and alternates must either be elected by the membership or designated under the affiliate’s constitution to be an automatic delegate or alternate delegate to the Convention by virtue of a secret ballot election to office by the membership.

Indicate the method by which the delegate or alternate was selected.

Note: Delegates elected by Executive Board or Delegate Assembly are not eligible to vote in the election of International Officers. 

If selected by Delegate Election (Section 1) indicate whether the election was by: A) the membership or B) the Executive Board or Delegate Assembly. Provide the date (MM/DD/YYYY) on which the election was held.

If selected as an Automatic Delegate by virtue of holding a position under the affiliate’s constitution (Section 2) indicate whether the member was elected to the position by: A) the membership or B) the Executive Board or Delegate Assembly. Provide the position held and the date (MM/DD/YYYY) on which the member was elected to the position.

Note: Nominations and elections shall not be held more than 120 days prior to the International Convention April 14, 2024 unless the affiliate meets less often than quarterly or the member is elected as a delegate or alternate by virtue of a position under the affiliate’s constitution.


All delegate and alternate credential forms must be signed by the president and secretary of the affiliate they are representing. After the forms are signed, copies should be made for the delegates and alternates, as well as for the affiliate’s files.

Note: The secretary of an affiliate includes any officer holding the position of recording secretary, secretary-treasurer, corresponding secretary, financial secretary, etc.


The original of the completed and signed delegate or alternate credential forms, along with other required materials (see checklist on page 10 of the Convention Call), should be mailed to the attention of the International Secretary-Treasurer in the enclosed postage- paid envelope. These materials must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, July 23, 2024. Credentials postmarked later than Tuesday, July 23, 2024, will be treated as irregular and will preclude the seating of the delegates and/or alternates at the opening of the Convention.


All delegates and alternates must register in person at the Convention. Original credential forms that are not received by the International Secretary-Treasurer before the Convention must be submitted by the delegate when they appear to register at the Convention. No delegate or alternate can be seated at the Convention without a properly completed and submitted credential form.

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